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Abstract submission is limited only to:

1. Poster session on Saturday 16th November

2. “Young Researcher Session” (Oral Presentations) short communication on Sunday 17th November, Post-congress

Please note that all registration fees must be paid in full before abstract acceptance.

– 2250 instead of 2500 for Egyptian EPDA Members
– 2700 instead of 3000 for Egyptian EPDA Non-Members
– $250 instead of $350 for Non-Egyptian

Abstract submission deadline

15 October

Please note: The presenting author MUST register with the Congress after the abstract is accepted in order to have the abstract included in the Congress program.

Please note: EPDA will announce the acceptance decision within one month of the submission, all authors who submitted an abstract will be informed of the final decision by E-mail


General Information

Abstracts should be submitted electronically via the web-based system for abstract submissions via the Congress website at conf.epdaonline.org The abstract text should not exceed the 250 words limit (with title, author names and affiliation details excluded). The abstract title should not exceed the 130 characters’ limit (spaces included). Co-authors of an abstract must not exceed five (5) in total. All abstracts subject to editorial and scientific review. The deadline for submission of abstracts is August 1st, 2022.

Abstract Details

Each presentation for the Congress requires an abstract to include brief details of the work. The abstract should give details of the aim, objectives, methods used and also the most important data findings. There are two types of abstracts that can be submitted for review: research articles and case reports.

1-  Research Articles 

There should be headings in bold/capitals for: AIM, METHODS, RESULTS, and the important CONCLUSIONS.                                                  
AIM: Usually one short simple sentence stating the objective of doing the study. METHODS: This section must be clearly written and in sufficient detail for the work to be repeated by other workers. The statistical methods used should be stated.
RESULTS: These should be clearly presented and only related to the methods described where appropriate data should be given as to the reproducibility of the findings. Statistical analysis should be included in this section. Images, tables and visual data should not be submitted.
CONCLUSION: This should briefly outline the most important findings.

2-  Case Reports

The format for these reports should follow a similar layout to research papers. The Title page, author’(s) address should be the same as described above. There should be an abstract briefly describing the case and treatment provided. The headings in the abstract must be: a very brief INTRODUCTION about the disease or the condition of the case report. BACKGROUND to the clinical case/technique should be briefly explained and the CASE REPORT(S) described in detail. There must be a description of the FOLLOW-UP clinical care carried out to indicate the degree of success and finally there should be a brief CONCLUSION.

EPDA Instructions to Congress Authors

Oral Presentations

Oral presentations are limited so please contact info@epdaonline.org

Time Keeping

This will be strictly monitored by the appointed Chairpersons who will signal the end of the presentation period and the start of questioning.

It is advisable to have several rehearsals of your presentation so that you will be able to deliver this within the allotted time period of 7 minutes.

We would like to remind you that the audience is mainly Academics and Paedodontic Specialists so we advise that your Presentation concentrates on your AIMS, METHODS, RESULTS and CONCLUSIONS and minimize or even avoid lengthy background or introduction sections. Therefore, please limit your Presentation to approximately 10 slides.

Audio-Visual Equipment

A data projector and a laptop will be provided in each presentation room. The laptops provided run Microsoft Windows 7 or Windows 10 and Office-Products. Presenters will not be able to use their own laptops as there is insufficient time to allow for swap over.


A preview room will be located within the venue where presenters can check their slides. Staff will be able to assist in giving directions to this room if necessary. However, the Presentations MUST be loaded onto the laptops in the designated session room for each delegate in advance of their session. It is advisable to load presentations, during the breaks or at least one hour before the presentation.

Please attend your session at least 10 minutes beforehand to introduce yourself to the Session Chairs and familiarize yourself with the podium, laser pointer etc. The Chairpersons will have a register of the presentations for their sessions and any presenter failing to attend will have their abstract withdrawn. All Presenters will receive a Congress Certificate for their scientific contribution in the congress

Poster Presentations

A limited number of 15-minute presentations for new techniques, interesting topics or reviews is available. For application Click Here

Poster mounting

All Posters are to be mounted and displayed on the Poster Boards located in the Exhibition Hall. Each Poster will be allocated a Poster board that corresponds to the Poster code number as stated in the acceptance letters and in the Congress program book. Delegates can view these during the breaks and prior to the allocated time for the designated Oral discussions.

Poster board sizes are limited so Poster dimensions must be 100 cm x 70 (width by height). Two-sided sticky tape will be provided to mount Posters.

Posters must be displayed on the poster boards on the day of presentation between 08:00-09:00h and taken down at the end of the day

Poster Content and Layout

  • Posters should include a title corresponding to the title of the abstract, authors and affiliations.
  • A small photograph of the presenting author at the top of the poster.
  • The content should match that submitted for your abstract.
  • The amount of written text should be kept to a minimum by using key words and phrases.
  • Keep the layout simple and do not overload with text.